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08045804981Magnetic Level switches are widely used for measurement and control of almost any liquid level. User area include lubrication systems, hydraulic power packs, industrial washing & cleaning systems. Ultrasonic cleaning equipments, machine tools, storage tanks, liquid dispensing systems, over head and underground storage tanks, thermic uid heaters, boilers etc.
Potential free contacts provided in the level switch may be utilised to make or break an electrical circuit indication of high and low levels, audible high/low level alarms, automatic pump control, to open or close electrically operated valves, to cut-off or switch on heating elements.
The Basic reed switch consists of two identical attened ferromagnetic reeds, sealed in a dry inert gas atmosphere within a glass capsule as shown above. The reeds are sealed in the capsule in cantilever form so that their free end overlap and are separated by a small air gap. When a
magnetic force is generated parallel to the reed switch, the reeds become ux carriers in the magnetic circuit. The overlapping ends of the reeds become opposite magnetic poles, which attract each other. If the magnetic force between the poles is strong enough to overcome the restoring force of the reeds, the reeds will be drawn together when the magnetic force is withdrawn the contact breaks.
Side-mounted level switch :
A hermetically sealed-in-glass reed switch located inside the stem is actuated by a magnet in the tailpiece of the oat, when the oat moves upward due to rise of liquid level. When the liquid level falls the oat moves downward, the magnet moves away and the Reed Switch contact breaks.
Salient Features :
Model (SMT-16-PG9-1.5) side mounted miniature level switch.Material of construction- SS 316.Float diameter-48mm.Process connection- 11/2 BSP(M) thread.SPST Reedswitch rated 100 VA(SPDT rated 6OVA rating optional),maximum switching voltage-230 VAC/200 VDC,maximum switching current-3 Amp.TerminaI enclosure conforming to DIN 43650 plug & socket. Maximum working pressure-1O kg/ & Temperature-80 deg C.Specific gravity-Down to 0.5